Ageless Honorees - 2003

Sr. Bernard Marie Boland
“Suppose you got up in the morning and didn’t have anything to do? Wouldn’t your life be empty?”
Sister Bernard Marie Boland literally blooms at the age of 100. Sister creates lovely pressed flower greeting cards that delight others and provide funds for charity.

Bob Broeg
“My idea of heaven would be a ball game every day in the hereafter with the best players playing in their prime.”
The author of 20 sports books and former Post-Dispatch sports editor, Bob is THE sports authority and perhaps the greatest fan.

Marty Bronson
“It’s important to have affirmation, to be respected and appreciated, no matter what your age.”
Marty is an entertainer for whom retirement is not an “entertaining” alternative.

Ruby Brooks
“Wisdom and experience are our greatest gifts.”
As past president and ongoing historian for the St. Louis Association of Colored Women Ruby shares her knowledge of the organization and the black experience.

Sr. Betty Brucker
“There is so much that older people have to offer; so many gifts they can pass on to younger people”
After an outstanding career in hospital administration, Sister Betty elected to skip retirement and continue serving others.

Helen Burns
“We’re not necessarily expected to do great things. Do the little things that you can for other people; that is what is important.”
Mrs. Burns visits friends who are ill, prepares meals for others, chauffeurs and shops for those who can no longer drive and puts her heart into everything she does.

Howard Coleman
“You’re so busy when you’re younger, you don’t have time to reflect on relationships with other people. As you get older, you realize how important those relationships are.”
An investment broker and long-time Rotarian, Howards works part-time for Stifel Nicolaus & Company and supports Rotary’s programs for disadvantaged children and nursing school students.

Frank Costello
“I’ve come to understand that it is our responsibility as human beings to help one another. It’s a God-given blessing that we have the ability to give back, to help other people.”
Frank is the “wheels” for Wheels for the World, an organization that collects refurbished wheelchairs for disabled people who are disadvantaged.

Patricia Dick
“As we grow older, it is important to work at keeping life meaningful; to be full of sap and very green.”
Patricia’s novel, Sap and Green People, is the inside story of retirement community residents, their joys, challenges and lifestyle.

Jerome Flance, M.D.
“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that many people aren’t ready to retire at 65. We still have so much to offer.”
Dr. Flance is now practicing urban renewal. He heads a Washington University Medical Center Redevelopment Corporation program to revitalize the Forest Park Southeast neighborhood.

John Fries, M.D.
“I retired, got bored and returned to work part-time; it was the right answer for me.”
Dr. Fries retired after 32 years as chief of radiology at St. Anthony’s Medical Center, found retirement boring and went back to work at St. Louis University Hospital.

Rev. Evlyn Fulton
“It just doesn’t occur to me to switch gears and ‘sit down.’ I prefer to keep moving.”
Reverend Evlyn Fulton admits to being a Type A personality with no tolerance for indiscriminate relaxation.

Alice Gerdine
“I’ve never considered myself a very wise person; but I think I have a very young soul.”
Mrs. Gerdine’s is an ardent and ongoing support of St. Louis’s cultural institutions, including the Symphony and Opera Theatre.

Rev. William Gillespie
“We have to keep going, to make a difference. It’s not beneficial to simply mark time.”
As pastor of Cote Brilliante Presbyterian Church, Rev. Gillespie has restored the congregation and leads the way in revitalizing the neighborhood through anti-drug efforts, programs for youngsters, a food pantry, and housing for seniors.

Marvin Goldford
“I never want to really retire. I want to keep doing things until I’m gone because there is so much to be done.”
Marvin uses his experience in the grocery business to secure food donations for Operation Food Search, which feeds thousands of people in Missouri and Illinois.

Jamie Graham
“There are a lot of different ways to be active and to help people. You find your little niche and do what you can.”
A librarian for many years, Mrs. Graham continues to do historical research and develop research and referencing techniques.

Margaret (Peg) Grigg
“Be involved. I don’t believe in sitting back and letting the grass grow.”
Many call her “Peg of Our Hearts.” Margaret – Peg – Grigg is close to the hearts of everyone who enjoys St. Louis’s cultural institutions.

Whitney Harris
“With age comes wisdom, an understanding of the past, and a deep appreciation for the future.”
Whitney holds a place in history. Part of the post-World War Two legal staff that prosecuted German war criminals at the Nuremberg trials, he later wrote Tyranny on Trial. The Evidence at Nuremberg.

Jean Hobler
“Smell the roses and listen to good music; share with others and do your best to spread a little joy."
With the stamina of a dancer, the dedication of a volunteer, and a mother’s love, Jean devotes herself to others.

Thomas Hood
“Seniors have the gifts of knowledge and experience to share.”
Tom retired from the corporate world and began a new calling within the religious community.

Stan Kann
“If there is something for you to do and you’re exuberant about it, you’re going to do it.”
After decades of playing the organ, including the Fox Theatre’s mighty Wurlitzer, Stan is considered the premier theater organist.

Michael and Katharina Kegler
“I wanted to make a suit so fine that a man would pay $5,000 for it, but also shake my hand and be happy about it.”
Both in their 80s, each weekday you will still find them at their tailor shop creating the finest suits and clothing.

Samantha Kendall
“I have compassion for people who are in need, and so, I do what I can.”
Ms. Kendall reads to children in a Head Start program, conducts Bible study at a home for unwed mothers, teaches Sunday school, and regularly visits friends in need.

Mary Kimbrough
“We have to continue to exercise our minds, our bodies and our skills, or all will fade away.”
Mary was a reporter and editor for the Globe-Democrat and the Post-Dispatch before retiring to write fifteen books and to do freelance writing.

Walter Knoll
“If I don’t work, I don’t feel I can relax. I like being busy, being involved.”
Walter has no intention of retiring from the aroma of fresh cut flowers, the beauty of blooming plants and the pleasure they bring to people.

Desmond Lee
“We all have the same goals. We want to be respected, to feel we’re contributing, that we’re needed.”
For Des, philanthropy is “an exciting journey of hope.”

Harriett Lee
“There is no greater gift we can give than ourselves and what we have learned over the years.”
An accomplished pianist, organist, and choir director she shared her music with everyone.

John Londoff
“We only have a certain amount of time on this earth. We need to spend it developing relationships with the people we love and doing what we can to help others.”
This highly successful Chevrolet dealer is a super salesman for worthy causes.

Helen Lubeley
“I think if you just sit at home, it makes you old.”
Helen has touched the short, sweet lives of millions of doughnuts, but has no intention of hanging up her apron.

Sanford and Priscilla McDonnell
“Someday we want to be able to look back and think that we’ve made a difference.”
Concerned about a decline in integrity and ethics among young people, the McDonnells created CharacterPlus, a character education program now offered in 440 schools.

Judge Theodore McMillian
“We cannot lose or ignore the wisdom and experience of older people. They have so much to give.”
The grandson of slaves, Theodore was Missouri’s first African American judge and the first named to the Eighth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Wilma Messing
“I have been very fortunate, and feel privileged to share and give back.”
The Wilma and Roswell Messing Faculty Award is presented annually to Webster University, and the Messing Family Charitable Foundation supports minority scholarships.

I E. Millstone
“For some people, gardening or playing golf makes them happy, and that is fine. But it wouldn’t do for me.”
I. E. is one of St. Louis’s most prolific architectural engineers and philanthropists.

James Moloney
“I believe we should remain active. It’s the way to keep up both the body and the brain.”
To celebrate his 80th birthday, Jim went swimming – across the Mississippi River. It was typical of this practicing attorney who spends a full day with clients and still has time for other pursuits.

Marie Moore
“Being a volunteer – there are so many rewards, and still so much to be done.”
For Marie, home is where the heart is – in this case - the Ronald McDonald House on Park Avenue.

Homer Nash, M.D.
“The worst thing you can do is nothing. Be useful, because anything you don’t use withers away.”
Dr. Nash comes from a medical family. Their influence and a desire to make the world a little better propelled him into medicine more than 50 years ago.

Kathryn Nelson
“As seniors, we can continue to learn, to contribute, and to grow.”
Kathryn is many things: college professor and teacher, administrator, social worker, family educator, and consultant.

Gyo Obata
“The knowledge and experience that come with age is like good wine – to be shared and enjoyed.”
Gyo, a revered architect for more than six decades, continues to craft outstanding architecture with a design philosophy of functional space that also enhances life.

Opal Otis
“You’ve got to make yourself move. That’s the secret of staying young – just to get up and do something.”
For 65 years, Opal has taught young and old to enjoy dancing.

Robert Paine, M.D.
“Mankind has tremendous potential. That potential doesn’t run out when you hit age 65.”
Dr. Paine heads a free health screening service for those who don’t have access to medical services.

Tzy Cheng Peng, Ph.D.
“So, I’ve passed the test. I’m retired more than 10 years now and I’m still alive.”
Dr. Peng is a volunteer English language instructor, holds informational town hall meetings and conducts classes on the political system and current events.

James Primm, Ph.D.
“Not doing anything is to die of boredom.”
Dr. Primm’s passion as an educator, historian and author is evident in his efforts to bring St. Louis history to life.

Harold and Virginia Schreimann
“You don’t want to rust out; you want to wear out. God granted us the ability to wear out.”
Hank is a delegate to the White House Conference on Education, a Mason and a Shriner, and involved with St. Louis Community College and Washington University. Gini serves on the Advisory Board of Care & Counseling and is a great supporter of the Symphony Orchestra Volunteer Association.

Floyd Smith
“What can we do that’s important when we get old? Help other people. To me, that seems like the most important thing.”
Floyd still gives of himself to others. He prays daily for friends and he bakes wonderful cakes for everyone.

Verna Smith, Ph.D.
“Older Americans have so much talent, experience and know-how to share. I believe we can do it all and do it well.”
For Verna, retirement is nearly as busy as the years she spent as a high school teacher and journalist.

Rudy Torrini
“If one is committed to a discipline, it’s not something that burns out with age.”
Rudy is one of the nation’s most distinguished sculptors. Locally, his work includes the Italian immigrants sculpture, the St. Louis Police Memorial, and statues of Pope John Paul II and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Blanche Touhill, Ph.D.
“Seniors are a vital part of the community with a wonderful ability to continue to learn and to contribute.”
Blanche is forever a part of the University of Missouri – St. Louis. During 37 years at UMSL, she taught, inspired and led thousands of students and faculty.

Marvin Wool
“Regardless of age, we should keep on taking part, keep on reinvesting; not just our dollars, but also ourselves.”
Marvin knows all about investing hard work to achieve success he is president and CEO of Dash Multi-Corp. But what he considers equally important is his involvement in various community organizations.

James and Myrtice Young
“We haven’t accumulated great wealth, but we have health and kids. Considering the kind of contributions that we as seniors can make, it’s all very worthwhile.”
Retired educators, they provide tutoring to University City school children, assist with field trips, and each spring turn gardeners, helping youngsters plant and raise school gardens.