Who We Help
Our seniors live on an average income of $15,000 per year. These seniors struggle to afford such necessities as food, clothing, transportation, prescriptions, mortgage payment or rent, home repair and medical care.

Direct Services to Seniors

From June 1, 2021—May 31, 2022, St. Andrew’s Charitable Foundation served seniors in over 48 zip codes with services from St. Andrew’s Senior Solutions.
These seniors, financially insecure, have limited family and resources and are intimidated by the services available to them. Our services, provided at no cost, help them obtain the resources and guidance they need to thrive as a senior in today’s society.
Because of our donors, these seniors have been afforded the opportunity to remain living safely, independently and healthy in their homes.

From June 1, 2021—May 31, 2022, over $1.1 million dollars was raised to support our charitable programs.
Our donors are appreciated for their continued support of the Ageless Remarkable Saint Louisans Gala, as well as Tee Up FORE Seniors Golf Tournament, our Annual Campaign and Memorials and Tributes.
With the support of our donors, we are making a difference in the lives of those who have made such a difference in ours.